Knot Sew Perfect Designs – BLOG

I know - this is a re-post from last year but it is that time of year to get things like this started....maybe in the southern states for right now but if you live up north then get it together so it's ready when the weather decides to be nice.
"you don't have to know how, you just need the desire to try" bh
YOU CAN DO THIS - First off you will need a pallet - a long skinny pallet. So where do you get one? I work for a trucking company (ask there) so I have the pick of the "litter" so to speak but I got this one at the hardware store. I was there getting lumber for something and saw this and asked if I could have it - sure, why not. Let me help you load it. DONE - got a pallet. This was heavy as all get out. Some kind of hardwood I'm sure and was
6 feet long. You do not have to have one that long as some I've seen are 3-4-5 feet.
Next you will need flower boxes or I happened to have wrought iron ones I bought off CraigsList (of course) when I first bought my house. See, I have a huge deck remember ( the sun shade project?) and thought they would look awesome all along my deck - filled with flowers. WRONG - too hot. They dried out too fast and most everything died. Bummer. So I saved the flower boxes and wa-la, I found something else to do with them a year later. But, you can get the cheap plastic flower boxes from any store to use.

This year they do not have flowers in them (yet). I recently planted acorn squash (seeds) and they are growing nicely. Not sure how I will "support" the squash but I'm sure I will figure it out. I think some kind of mesh or something.
Time to plant something different in them this year (2015). A trip to Home Depot, Lowes will help me decide. I want them all (plants and flowers) .
***Hate chemicals but Got BUGs - on your flowers? Aphids, etc? I try it on anything with bugs. Take 1 part dish soap to 2 parts water. Mix in a spray bottle and spray your plants, flowers, leaves. It won't hurt your plants and will get rid of the bugs. Not positive it works on all bugs but I've been lucky so far by using this. Even used it on my tomato plants last year and worked fine.
I am going to try your bug eradicator I have many of those chomping at my flowers.